

admin 2020-10-15 44
恒星的恒心_恒星的演化精选在线摘要: 恒星的恒心歌词歌曲:恒星的恒心歌手:五月天专辑:时光机?搜索"恒星的恒心"mp3打印预览恒星的恒心(第一永恒主打)作词:阿信作曲:阿信编曲:五月天guoqian5201314你和我...

恒星的恒心歌词 歌曲:恒星的恒心 歌手:五月天 专辑:时光机 ? 搜索 "恒星的恒心"mp3 打印预览 恒星的恒心(第一永恒主打) 作词:阿信作曲:阿信编曲:五月天 guoqian5201314 你和我看星星那夜空多神秘 天很黑风很急你把我抱得很紧 沉默的银河系因为你有意义 你要是落泪滴世界都要下雨 雨降落在大地我安静倾听却无法领悟你为何放弃 带走回荡的回忆你像流浪的流星 把我丢在黑夜想著你 你要离开的黎明我的眼泪在眼睛 下定决心我决定 恒星的恒心等你等你(等著你等著你等著你等著你) 那一年的花季那一刻的呼吸 那一生的旅行因为你动魄惊心 我不是很聪明我以为我可以 守护你一直到最后一丝呼吸 我只是没发现故事已结局 你早已离去我还在坚定 老了累了倦了变了那不会是我不会是我

恒心的解释有2个都是什么? 恒星用恒心等待着流浪的流星、

恒心=恒星 ? 所谓恒心,即是坚持,是无形的.恒星是有形的东西.有一个共通点就是:时间很久.

《恒星的恒心》 求英文翻译歌词 You and I look at a star that night sky how mysterious very dark day wind worries you very much that very firmly silent Milky Way galaxy that I carry in breast is all asked to rain because of you have meaning if you shedding tears dripping the world rain falls alight I am quiet in the earth listen attentively to dawn having no way to understand that why you abandon an entrainment resounding but recalling that you leave like the meteor roaming about throws me into dark night being thinking of your your essential points my tear is resolute in the eye I decide to use the fixed star constancy of purpose to wait for you to wait for you to be waiting for you to be waiting for you to be waiting for you to be waiting That a lifetime take a trip struck with fear your flower season for 1 year breath that moment because of you I am not very clever I believe I can defend you one until final one silk breathe me however not having discovered a story already final you leave long ago I that can not be that I am incapable as early as having strengthened an old people having made tired unexpected turn of events tired out is 恒星的恒心_恒星的演化精选在线 me 应该是这样

恒星的恒心中这几个短语算修辞吗?这种修辞叫什么? 是借鉴的英文诗歌中押头韵的方法。本来汉语诗歌中只有押尾韵,也就是句末押韵,但是英文里押韵的变化要多一些。英文押头韵如first and formost,也就连词前后两个单词的词首发音相同,这种格式被中文借用后就成了歌曲中“回荡的回忆”“流浪的流星”等歌词。 修辞手法是根据汉语传统的使用来的,这种对外来语言的借鉴当然无法在修辞手法中找到对应。


作者:admin本文地址:http://shuangbaotai.net/sbt/9614.html发布于 2020-10-15
